rofmia Exhibition “Place 2”
2023.5.9(Tue) - 14(Sun)
12:00 - 20:00 (14日は18:00まで)
Media Shop <google map>
京都市中京区河大黒町44 VOXビル 2F

5/9(火)〜14(日)の期間、MEDIA SHOP(京都)にてrofmiaの展示を行います。
We will exhibit rofmia at MEDIA SHOP (Kyoto) from 5/9(Tue) to 14(Sun).
Through roofmia, we have repeatedly experienced the connection between the world and the crevices around us, such as riverbanks, vacant lots, and narrow alleys. We hope you will experience the sensation of visiting a place that is just there, unnoticed.
We will also have installations and photo works for sale by Masaki Yokoyama. We look forward to seeing you there.

We will start a new series of "color" from this exhibition. We will be accepting orders for products with rock patterns transferred onto Dyneema, which will be available only at the Kyoto exhibition.
Taking advantage of the wrinkling feature of DCF, these bags look like rocks spread out on the riverbank. It is extremely lightweight and folds up small, so it can be easily stored in a travel bag. It is also convenient for use as an action bag or additional storage while traveling.
Each product of Color, which is limited to the Kyoto exhibition, is completely made-to-order. Orders will be taken from 5/6 (Sat.) to 14 (Sun.). Products will be shipped at the end of June. Please note that we will not resell the products. Please click the link below to place your order.

三河木綿に美濃和紙糸を織り込んだNora シリーズの新色や巾着バッグ、ワンピースの販売も行います。紺と白を配色した絣の紙糸を使用した新色の「霞」と「」の生地は手触りが良く、季節を問わずお楽しみいただけます。和服の構造を取り入れた平面的なシリーズです。ぜひ手に取ってご覧くださいませ。
New colors of the Nora series woven with Mino washi yarn in Mikawa cotton, drawstring bags, and one-piece dresses will also be on sale. The new colors "Kasumi" and "" fabrics, which use kasuri paper yarn with a dark blue and white color scheme, are pleasant to the touch and can be enjoyed regardless of the season. This flat series incorporates the structure of kimono. Please take it in your hands and have a look.