rofmia Exhibition “Place 3”
5.28(Tue) - 6.2(Sun)
11:00 - 18:00
Gallery 5610 <Map>
〒 107-0062 東京都港区南青山5-6-10

rofmiaが扱うテーマの主軸である「Place / Space」の3回目の展示となります。特徴のある手触りと表情豊かなの製品が自然のイメージと重なり合う空間に身を置き、PlaceとSpaceの境界を行き来する体験を目指しています。rofmiaの存在が未だ見ぬ風景への抜け道となり、新たなつながりを探求する機会となれば幸いです。
今回の展示では、rofmiaの製品の全ラインナップの受注販売いたします。またNoraシリーズのイージーパンツやベスト、ダイニーマレザーのDaypack V2、国産のカーフレザーを使用したレザージャケットなど新作を多数ご覧いただけます。ぜひこの機会にお立ち寄りくださいませ。
From May 28 (Tuesday) to June 2 (Sunday), rofmia's exhibition will be held at Gallery 5610 in Minami Aoyama, Tokyo.
This exhibition marks the third installment of rofmia's central theme, 'Place / Space'. It features uniquely tactile and expressive products that merge with images of nature, offering an experience that navigates the boundaries between 'Place' and 'Space'. We hope rofmia's presence will serve as a gateway to unseen landscapes and foster new connections.
During this exhibition, we will be accepting orders for the entire lineup of rofmia products. Additionally, you can view many new items, including the Nora series of easy pants and vests, the Dyneema leather Daypack V2, and leather jackets made from Japanese calf leather. Please take this opportunity to visit us.

We have updated the leather jackets that rofmia has been making since its inception, changing the size and leather used. These jackets now feature domestically sourced (from Hokkaido) unfinished calf leather, offering a fine texture and lightness for an elegant finish. We have retained the distinctive heavy-gauge stitching and snap cuffs while transitioning from patch pockets to box pockets to enhance functionality. The designs are available in two styles: a button jacket and a double rider.
*The jacket in the image is a sample worn by the designer for one season.

Inspired by vintage fabrics woven with leftover yarns (known as "yata-ori"), we have created a fabric with a three-dimensional feel using kasuri yarns for the warp. The vivid gradient of the cotton yarns used in the weft, mixed with kasuri paper yarns, enhances the visual and tactile intrigue. The pear-skin weaving, also used in traditional Japanese garments, offers a smooth touch and is comfortable to wear throughout the year. We have prepared three styles: a large cloth, easy pants, and a vest.

Smooth Dyneema Leatherを使用したDaypack V2です。約0.4mmの牛革にダイニーマをボンディングし、軽量かつ強靭で撥水機能を備えています。展示会場でのみ数量限定で先行受注を行います。詳細については展示の際にご確認くださいませ。
Daypack V2 is made of Smooth Dyneema Leather. Dyneema is bonded to about 0.4mm cowhide leather, making it lightweight, strong, and water repellent. We will be taking advance orders for a limited quantity at the rofmia exhibition at Gallery 5610. Please check the details at the exhibition.
Online orders are scheduled to be available around July.
I was unable to attend the exhibition because I do not live in Japan. However, I would like to order the V2 backpack in Dyneema. Can you accept my order please? My email is " Thank you to please let me know. Michael Sue